Less than 3% of children who started school together in Grade 1 finished matric in 2022 with a solid understanding of mathematics and the skills required to access tertiary studies in maths and sciences.
Our approach solves the problem by focusing on grade 7 learners through running after-school maths classes and preservice teachers through a yearlong teaching internship
What We Do
At Numeric, we believe that intervening in high school is too late.
This is evidenced by the last Annual National Assessments (ANA) where Grade 3 learners scored an average of 56% in mathematics, Grade 6 learners scored an average of 43%, and Grade 9 learners scored an average of only 11% in mathematics. An intervention at the primary school level is clearly necessary if our learners are to have a chance at success in high school. That is why our interventions focus on the last year of primary school – our work allows more learners to leave primary school with a solid foundation and confidence in basic mathematics, enabling them to choose pure mathematics and be more successful in high school mathematics, thereby gaining access to tertiary studies and gainful employment beyond schools.